Ok , so you may have heard me mention in some of my older posts that I do portraiture. I love all kinds of art, and have tried most of it at one time or another, including decorating , which I am still trying.
But drawing and painting people in their daily lives is what I love to do best, I have done it since I was in High School , I didn't go to collage to learn it , although I did take some private lessons where I learned to use color, the rest is just something I could always do , a God given gift...
So I thought I would share it with you .
This is my Gallery ! ( well actually just my hall .) And some of my many paintings.

The second one below is a self portrait , I was in my 30's .
As you can see these paintings and drawing span 3 decades.

This is a close up of a black and white oil called Bedtime Story. My daughter Mandy and my son Nick when they were little. When I started art classes the teacher made us do 2 value study paintings before she would let us do color , nearly drove me crazy. This was the first one.

This was the second , a brown and white oil of my Husband , He loved this painting , called it his Bad Bart picture. Wasn't he handsome ?

This is my daughter at 13 , mid 80's , notice the mullet hairstyle ? But look at those beautiful blue eyes !

This is a close up of a much bigger painting of my son at age 6 , called
Gone Fishing

Another of my daughter at 16 , she was a great model, if I told her to dress a certain way she would.
In this one I wanted it to look like something from the past. I think the bangs are the only thing that give it away.

A closer look.

This is my mothers stepfather , but for my whole life he was my grandfather,
we called him Papa Jim , and that is the name of the painting.

Mandy and Nick in their High school years , Mandy 18 and Nick 16

She was a band nerd ( that's what she called herself ) she also played a baratone horn.

And he wanted to be a rock star , notice the Jimmy Hendrex tee shirt and
the flannel shirt that was his uniform , not to menton the long hair.

After the two paintings above I didn't paint anything for about 10 years , I don't really know why, life was just to busy for some reason, I did do a couple of commision pieces after that, but no family portraits , other than drawings.
Then last year I started painting again , another way to keep grief from taking over , and it works to stay busy doing things you love .
Speaking of things I love , here are two more. My two oldest grandchildren Bane and Robbyn

I do commision paintings and can be reached at my email address