Monday, February 28, 2011

Porch Inspiration Pictures

I have been perusing the Internet for ideas on how to decorate my porch this year.

Of course being budget challenged , I have to look for ideas that can make it happen without spending much money.

Hanging pots are always pretty. My kids usually give me hanging pots for my birthday in April and for Mothers' Day. I love that .And some kind of porch swing is a must. When I think of a country front porch I always see a swing or glider on it .

Always lots of chairs so lots of friends can sit and visit.

Isn't that wheelbarrow with the flowers cute ?

An American flag always sets a porch off nicely.

Oh this is pretty , a swing a davenport and a potting bench .

Well I defiantly want to sit a spell here !

Look at those flowers !

Can't you just see friends gathered here ?

I have an idea for a neat flower pot or holder.

I'm thinking and old washing machine of some sort.

Seems like an old appliance on the porch in the country would

be a fitting flower pot.

Something like this...
Or this...

First I have to find one that won't cost an arm and a leg .

Can't you just see ferns and flowers spilling out of them ?

Most of these inspiration pictures came from a site called

Front Porch Ideas and More.

I really enjoyed looking through that site.

I am linking up with Jill at Gypsy Brocante's Porch Party


  1. Oh, I'll have to look at the front porch ideas site. So glad you mentioned it. Mine needs a makeover, too. I don't think I've ever had it the way I'd like.

  2. I wish I were better able to care for and decorate our front porch. I'm hoping I can pursuade the guys to do some of it for me. My husband has said that if we have just one more rocking chair we'll qualify as a nursing home. LOL We have five rocking chairs, one porch swing, and a bench. It's interesting but there's plenty of places for family and friends to sit!

    Hugs XX,

  3. Your porches are gorgeous... and I love the swings too!
    Blessings~~ Daphne

  4. I love old wooden wheel barrels too! A swing is just the right fit for a spring or summer country porch. It reminds me my Summers with my Grandma on her porch. Now how could that not make you smile!

  5. I LOVE your train of thought ... scour those yard sales and thrift stores for an inexpensive garden container ... you'll get a great unique vintage look and stay on budget! Sometimes taking a look around your own home/yard might reveal a treasure. Can't wait to see what you come up with. I love the porches you chose for inspiration ... I'm going to check out that site, thanks!


  6. Hi Sharon,

    I love all that you've shown..I especially love the old washing machines and old coke machines that I've seen covered with plants...just so cool! But oh so pricey these days.

    I'm visiting for Porch think you need a budget for what you found...wait til you see what I found. :0)

    Have a wonderful day...
    Stephanie ♥

  7. These front porches make me really ready for spring! Great collection of inspiration pictures. I wish I had room on my front porch for a swing but it's too narrow. Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my give away. Your blog is lovely...I love all your backwards books! ~Ann
